This is the faulty MATLAB code that was given to us to correct:

F0 =13; 
T0 =1/F0; 
Ts = 0.07;
t  = 0:Ts:13*T0; 
x = real(exp(j*(2*pi*F0*t-pi/2)));

The problem with the above code is that the Ts value is too large. Thus, we can easily solve this problem by decreasing the Ts value significantly. We then are left with the following, corrected MATLAB code:

F0 =13; 
T0 =1/F0; 
Ts = 0.0007;
t  = 0:Ts:13*T0; 
x = real(exp(j*(2*pi*F0*t-pi/2)));

Alumni Liaison

Ph.D. 2007, working on developing cool imaging technologies for digital cameras, camera phones, and video surveillance cameras.

Buyue Zhang