HW1, Chapter 0, Problem 24, MA453, Fall 2008, Prof. Walther

Problem Statement

Could somebody please state the problem?


Let a1=a1 and a2a3...an=b1

If p is a prime and divides a1a2a3...an, then p divides a1b1

If p is a prime that divides a1b1, then p divides a1 or b1

Let's say p does not divide a1, then gcd(p,a1)=1

This means that there exists x and y for which the equation xp+ya1=1 holds

Let's multiply both sides of this equation by b1:


By induction, p divides a1b1 and let a1b1=kp. Let's divide the equation above by p:


If the LHS of the equation can be divided by p, the RHS of the equation can be divided by p also. Then, b1 can be divided by p.

Next, we let b2=a3a4...an and repeat the process above. Eventually, we will find the ai for some i, which can be divided by p.


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