Energy and Power

The energy and power of a signal can be found through the use of basic calculus.

Energy, E: $ = \int_{t1}^{t2} y(t) $

For the signal y(t) from 0 to 10 seconds, with y = $ 7x^3 $

E = $ \int_{0}^{10} 7x^3 $

E = $ = \frac{7}{3}[x^{4}]_{t=0}^{t=10} \! $

E $ = (\frac{7}{3} * 10^4) - (\frac{7}{3} *0) $

Power, P: $ = \frac{1}{t2-t1}\int_{t1}^{t2} y(t) $

P = $ \frac{1}{10-0}\int_{0}^{10} y(t) $

P = $ \frac {1}{10} * \frac{7}{3} * 10^4 $

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Ruth Enoch, PhD Mathematics