% 5x/6 = 440

x = 440*6/5; % solve for x

E = 5*x /8;  % Middle E

G = 3*x /4;  % middle G

C = x;  % middle C

GL = 3*x/8;  % Lower G

EL = 5*x/16;  % LOwer E

AL = 5*x/12;  % lower A

BL = 15*x/36; % lower B

ALS = 233.08; % lower A#

del = 0.0001; % 12 notes , 2500 for each

t = 0:del:3.5; % total length 35001

% time for Note E

t1 = [ones(1,7500), zeros(1,5000),ones(1,2500),zeros(1,20001)];

% time for Note G

t2 = [zeros(1,7500), ones(1,2500),zeros(1,5000),ones(1,2500),zeros(1,17501)];

% time for Note C

t3 = [zeros(1,10000),ones(1,2500),zeros(1,5000),ones(1,2500),zeros(1,15001)];

% time for Note GL

t4 = [zeros(1,20000),ones(1,2500),zeros(1,12501)];

% time for Note EL

t5 = [zeros(1,22500),ones(1,2500),zeros(1,10001)];

% time for Note AL

t6 = [zeros(1,25000),ones(1,2500),zeros(1,5000),ones(1,2501)];

% time for Note BL

t7 = [zeros(1,27500),ones(1,2500),zeros(1,5001)];

% time for Note ALS

t8 = [zeros(1,30000),ones(1,2500),zeros(1,2501)];

%play the song

y = sin(2*pi*E*t).*t1 +...

    sin(2*pi*G*t).*t2 +...
    sin(2*pi*C*t).*t3 +...
    sin(2*pi*GL*t).*t4 +...
    sin(2*pi*EL*t).*t5 +...
    sin(2*pi*AL*t).*t6 +...
    sin(2*pi*BL*t).*t7 +...


Alumni Liaison

Ph.D. on Applied Mathematics in Aug 2007. Involved on applications of image super-resolution to electron microscopy

Francisco Blanco-Silva