%Evan Witkoske %ECE 301 HW1 %E,E,E,G,C,E,G,C,Glower,Elower,Alower,Blower,Asharplower,Alower

%I couldn't get it to sound correct, the middle part of the tune doesn't %seem right.

A1 = 440;

C1 = (3*A1)/5; C2 = 2*C1; E1 = (5*C1)/4; G1 = (3*C1)/2; E2 = E1*2; G2 = G1*2; A2 = A1/2; B2 = (15*C1)/8; Asharp = A1*16/15;

%E,E,E del = 0.0001; t = 0:del:1/4; y = sin(2*pi*E2*t); sound(y,1/del); t = 0:del:1/8; y = sin(2*pi*E2*t); sound(y,1/del); t = 0:del:.2 y = sin(0*t) sound(y,1/del); t = 0:del:1/12; y = sin(2*pi*E2*t); sound(y,1/del);

%G,C,E,G t = 0:del:1/2; y = sin(2*pi*0*t); sound(y,1/del); t = 0:del:1/6; y = sin(2*pi*G1*t); sound(y,1/del) y = sin(2*pi*C1*t); sound(y,1/del); y = sin(0*t) sound(y,1/del) y = sin(2*pi*E2*t); sound(y,1/del); t = 0:del:1/8 y = sin(2*pi*G1*t); sound(y,1/del) t = 0:del:1/3 y = sin(2*pi*0*t); sound(y,1/del);

%C,G,E,A,B,Asharp t = 0:del:1/6 y = sin(2*pi*C1*t) sound(y,1/del) y= sin(0*t) sound(y,1/del) y = sin(2*pi*t*G2) sound(y,1/del) y = sin(0*t) sound(y,1/del) y = sin(2*pi*E1*t) sound(y,1/del); t = 0:del:1/8; y = sin(0*t) sound(y,1/del) t = 0:del:1/6 y = sin(2*pi*A1*t) sound(y,1/del); y = sin(2*pi*B2*t) sound(y,1/del) t = 0:del:1/8; y = sin(0*t) sound(y,1/del) t = 0:del:1/6 y = sin(2*pi*Asharp*t); sound(y,1/del) y = sin(2*pi*A1*t) sound(y,1/del);

Alumni Liaison

Correspondence Chess Grandmaster and Purdue Alumni

Prof. Dan Fleetwood