Sound File
Played Backwards : backwards
Played backwards with half yhe speed: 0.5 x Backwards
%Wei Jian Chan %Ece 301 HW 1.2 %Importing the wavefile into matlab %Note that the file must reside within the directory of Matlab %Should be My Documents/MATLAB [jpforward,smprate,bitrate] = wavread('jpforward.wav'); wavplay(jpforward,smprate); %Create a array to sore the wave file backwardly jpbackward = zeros(size(jpforward)); jpsize = length(jpbackward); %Reversing the wave file for i = 1:jpsize jpbackward(jpsize - (i - 1)) = jpforward(i); end wavplay(jpbackward, smprate); %I can't really heard what they're saying in the song %From the helpfile we know that smprate is rate of the file, thus by %altering the sampling rate, we can change the speed of the file smphalf = smprate/2; wavplay (jpbackward,smphalf);
Message in file
The quality is so bad, but what i can hear is the word "death" if played forward , and "life" if played backwards