I honestly can't hear the lyrics forwards are backwards, i think people read more into this than there is :)
JP Files
% Travis Safford % September 5, 2008 % % Homework 1.2 - This file is supposed to reverse and slow down a Judas Priest song % Begin by clearing the console and all saved memory. clear; clc; %Open the wave file and get its length, sample size, and sampling rate %Make sure the file is in your present working directory for matlab [data,sample,rate]=wavread('jpforward.wav'); %Play the file once at normal speed wavplay(data,sample); %Creates an array for reversing the data and then reverses it Length_Array=size(data); Length=Length_Array(1); data_reverse=zeros(Length,1); for j=Length:-1:1 data_reverse(Length-j+1,1)=data(j); end %Plays the song and saves it to a file wavplay(data_reverse,sample); wavwrite(data_reverse,sample,rate,'jpreverse.wav'); %Now to slow the song down %To do this all you do is lower the sample rate %Perhaps twice as slow? slowsample = sample/2; wavplay(reversedata,slowsample); wavwrite(reversedata,slowsample,rate,'jpreverseslowed.wav');