%Justin Kietzman %Hidden Messages %Please store the jpforward.wav in your current working directory %Clear all variables and workspace clc clear %Useful Information FILE = 'jpforward.wav'; delta = 44100; %Given to us in Tips sheet %use wavread to read jpforward file %JP = wavread('c:\path\to\file\filename.wav'); JP = wavread(FILE); JPbackwards = flipud(JP); %Play extracted Song %I have no idea what he is actually saying %wavplay(JP, delta); fprintf('Replay the Song Backwards!'); %Commented Out line to listen to other versions %wavplay(JPbackwards, delta); slow = delta*.5; %Slow it Down wavplay(JPbackwards, slow); %"It's my voice" ?? Extracted message wavwrite(JPbackwards, 1/slow, 32, 'hw1_2JPbackwards.wav');