Sound Files

Matlab Codes

% Jun Hyeong Park 
% ECE 301 HW #1_ Hidden backward message

conforward=wavread(name);   % generate a column vector           
conback=flipud(conforward); % reverse this column vector
wavplay(conback,Fs)         % play backward at 44100hz sampling rate. 
wavplay(conback,Fs/2)       % play backward at 22050hz sampling rate.

% (a) The forward says ,"Beyond the Realms Of Death"
% (b) Backward has a message and that was "I took my life.".


  • This is one of the famous songs for Backward masking.
  • (a) The forward says, "Beyond the Realms of Death".
  • (b) The backward says, "I took my life".

Alumni Liaison

Ph.D. on Applied Mathematics in Aug 2007. Involved on applications of image super-resolution to electron microscopy

Francisco Blanco-Silva