Part A

When played forward the lyrics are "beyond the realms of death".

Part B

Click on this link to hear the sound file_ECE301Fall2008mboutin produced by the following code.

Matlab Code

  Homework #1
  Problem 1
  Jeremiah Wise

  This Program plays part of a Judas Priest song first in the forward
  direction then in reverse.  Then in takes the reversed data and 
  writes it to a .wav file.

%read sound file data
[data, sampleRate, bitsPerSample] = wavread('JudasPriest.wav');

%play sound file in the forward direction
wavplay(data, sampleRate);

%play sound file in the reverse direction
reversedData = flipud(data);
wavplay(reversedData, sampleRate);

%write reversed sound data to a .wav file
wavwrite(reversedData, sampleRate, bitsPerSample, 'BassAckwards.wav');

Played in reverse it sounds like it says "I took my life".

Alumni Liaison

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