C=261.6; A=5*C/3; G=3*C/2; F=4*C/3; E=5*C/4; D=9*C/8; B=15*C/8; delta=0.0005; Notes=[E, F, G, C, D, B, A]; Lengthy=[1, 1.5, 2, 2.4, 2.9, 3.4, 4.4];
%normal speed
for space = 1:4.3 time = 0:delta:Lengthy(space); y = sin(2*pi*Notes(space)*time); sound(y,1/delta); end
%twice as fast by multiplying 1/2 the length of the notes
for space = 1:4.3 time = 0:delta:0.5*Lengthy(space); y = sin(2*pi*Notes(space)*time); sound(y,1/delta); end
%rescaling y(t)=x(2t)
for space = 1:4.3 time = 0:delta:Lengthy(space); y = sin(2*2*pi*Notes(space)*time); sound(y,1/delta); end