HW1, ECE301, Prof. Boutin
In this homework assignment, we were asked to write a Matlab code to play the "Hail Purdue" song with different speeds and pitch.
%Emily Blount %Homework 1 %September 4, 2008 %ECE 301, Mimi Boutin %clear memory and console clear; clc; %Part a: Playing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (since I don't know Hail Purdue.) % Note Frequencies C = 261.626; D = 9*C/8; E = 5*C/4; F = 4*C/3; G = 3*C/2; A = 5*C/3; B = 15*C/8; Chi = 2*C; %Array of Notes for Song S = [C, C, G, G, A, A, G, F, F, E, E, D, D, C]; %Time definition and Sampling Frequency delta = 0.00005; endtime = 0.5; t = 0:delta:endtime; %Playing the song for x = 1:1:length(S) song = sin(2*pi * t * S(x)); sound(song, 1/delta); end pause(5) %Part b: Playing the song 2x faster delta = 0.00005; endtime = .25; t = 0:delta:endtime; %Playing the song for x = 1:1:length(S) song = sin(2*pi * t * S(x)); sound(song, 1/delta); end pause(5) %Part c: Rescaling song to y(t)=x(2t) delta = 0.00005; endtime = 0.5; t = 0:delta:endtime; %Playing the song for x = 1:1:length(S) song = sin(2*pi * 2* t * S(x)); sound(song, 1/delta); end <\pre>