% Homework 1.1 Hail Purdue %David Record %September 3rd 2008 %%Song Notes and Lyrics: %%http://www.purdue.edu/bands/media/Sounds/aamb/Hail%20Purdue%20Piano%20Sheet.pdf %Lyrics %Hail, to Old Purdue, All hail to our gold and black! %Notes: %E, F, G, A_, B_, C5, D5_, B %Corresponding Frequencies: http://www.phy.mtu.edu/~suits/notefreqs.html E = 311.13; %HZ F = 349.23; %HZ G = 392.00; %HZ A_ = 415.30; %HZ B_ = 466.16; %HZ C5 = 523.25; %HZ D5_ = 554.37; %HZ B = 493.3; %HZ %Durations delta = 0.00005; %As defined in class quarter = .25; %Quarter Note half = .5; %Half Note whole = 1; %Whole Note eigth = .125; %Eighth Note notes = [E, F, G, A_, B_, C5, C5, D5_, D5_, D5_, A_, B_, B, C5]; durations = [half, quarter, quarter, (quarter+eighth), eighth, quarter, quarter, quarter, eighth, eighth, quarter, eigth, eigth, (half+quarter) ]; %%% Song Unaltered %%% for counter = 1: length(notes) t = 0:delta:durations(counter); y = sin(2*pi*notes(counter)*t); sound (y, 1/delta); end %%% Twice as Fast %%% for counter = 1: length(notes) t = 0:delta:durations(counter)/2; y = sin(2*pi*notes(counter)*t); sound (y, 1/delta); end %%% y(t) = x(2t) %%% Doubles the Frequency of the notes for counter = 1: length(notes) t = 0:delta:durations(counter); y = sin(2*pi*notes(counter)*t*2); sound (y, 1/delta); end