HW1, ECE301, Prof. Boutin
In this homework assignment, we were asked to write a Matlab code to play the "Hail Purdue" song with different speeds and pitch. Here are my results:
- Media:HailPurdueReg_ECE301Fall2008mboutin.wav
- Media:HailPurdueFast_ECE301Fall2008mboutin.wav
- Media:HailPurdueTrans_ECE301Fall2008mboutin.wav
DJ David Hartmann
%ECE 301, Prof. Mimi Boutin
%HW 1
%September 5, 2008
delta = 0.00005;
tied = [0:delta:1.2]; %Setting duration of notes
half = [0:delta:0.8];
dottedquarter = [0:delta:0.6];
quarter = [0:delta:0.4];
eighth = [0:delta:0.2];
half_e = sin(2*pi*330*half); %Setting sine waves that represent each note/lengths
quarter_f = sin(2*pi*352*quarter);
quarter_g = sin(2*pi*396*quarter);
dottedquarter_a = sin(2*pi*440*dottedquarter);
quarter_a = sin(2*pi*440*quarter);
eighth_b = sin(2*pi*495*eighth);
quarter_c = sin(2*pi*528*quarter);
tied_c = sin(2*pi*528*tied);
eighth_d = sin(2*pi*594*eighth);
quarter_d = sin(2*pi*594*quarter);
%Vector containing appropriate notes/lengths
HP = [half_e, quarter_f, quarter_g, dottedquarter_a, eighth_b, quarter_c,quarter_c, quarter_d, eighth_d, eighth_d, quarter_a, eighth_b, eighth_b, tied_c];
%Get ready to Boiler Up to the tune of Hail Purdue Matlab style!
sound(HP, 1/delta)
%_______________PART B_________________FASTER
tied = [0:delta:0.6]; %Setting duration of notes
half = [0:delta:0.4];
dottedquarter = [0:delta:0.3];
quarter = [0:delta:0.2];
eighth = [0:delta:0.1];
half_e = sin(2*pi*330*half); %Setting sine waves that represent each note/lengths
quarter_f = sin(2*pi*352*quarter);
quarter_g = sin(2*pi*396*quarter);
dottedquarter_a = sin(2*pi*440*dottedquarter);
quarter_a = sin(2*pi*440*quarter);
eighth_b = sin(2*pi*495*eighth);
quarter_c = sin(2*pi*528*quarter);
tied_c = sin(2*pi*528*tied);
eighth_d = sin(2*pi*594*eighth);
quarter_d = sin(2*pi*594*quarter);
%Vector containing appropriate notes/lengths
HPF = [half_e, quarter_f, quarter_g, dottedquarter_a, eighth_b, quarter_c,quarter_c, quarter_d, eighth_d, eighth_d, quarter_a, eighth_b, eighth_b, tied_c];
%Get ready to Boiler Up to the tune of Hail Purdue Matlab style at twice the speed!
sound(HPF, 1/delta)
%______________PART C________________HIGHER
tied = [0:delta:1.2]; %Setting duration of notes
half = [0:delta:1.0];
dottedquarter = [0:delta:0.6];
quarter = [0:delta:0.4];
eighth = [0:delta:0.2];
half_e = sin(4*pi*330*half); %Setting sine waves that represent each note/lengths
quarter_f = sin(4*pi*352*quarter);
quarter_g = sin(4*pi*396*quarter);
dottedquarter_a = sin(4*pi*440*dottedquarter);
quarter_a = sin(4*pi*440*quarter);
eighth_b = sin(4*pi*495*eighth);
quarter_c = sin(4*pi*528*quarter);
tied_c = sin(4*pi*528*tied);
eighth_d = sin(4*pi*594*eighth);
quarter_d = sin(2*pi*594*quarter);
%Vector containing appropriate notes/lengths
HPS = [half_e, quarter_f, quarter_g, dottedquarter_a, eighth_b, quarter_c,quarter_c, quarter_d, eighth_d, eighth_d, quarter_a, eighth_b, eighth_b, tied_c];
%Get ready to Boiler Up to the tune of Hail Purdue Matlab style at the next octave!
sound(HPS, 1/delta)