Audio Files
Only did the first few seconds of the song
% Aishwar Sabesan % M-file for playing "Hail Purdue" song % Homework 1.1 -- ECE301 %Part (a) ---> Playing the song delta = 0.000005; x = 264; C = x; D = 9*x/8; E = 5*x/4; F = 4*x/3; G = 3*x/2; A = 5*x/3; B = 15*x/8; CH = 2*x; Bb = ((B-A)/2)+A; notes = [C, D, E, F, G, A, A, Bb, Bb, Bb, F, G, A]; times = [1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 0.25, 0.5, 0.5, 0.4, 0.2, 0.2, 0.5, 0.5, 1]; purduebuff = []; for ii = 1:length(notes) t = 0:delta:times(ii); purdue = sin(2*pi*t*notes(ii)); purduebuff = [purduebuff; purdue(:)]; end sound(purduebuff,1/delta); wavwrite(purduebuff, 1/delta, 16, 'purdue.wav'); pause(7); %Part (b) --> Playing the song at 2x sound(purduebuff, 2/delta); wavwrite(purduebuff,2/delta,16,'purduex2.wav'); pause(5); %Part (c) ---> Rescaling x(t) to x(2t) purduebuff = []; for nn = 1:length(notes) t = 0:delta:times(nn); purdue = sin(2*pi*2*t*notes(nn)); purduebuff = [purduebuff;purdue(:)]; end sound(purduebuff,1/delta); wavwrite(purduebuff,1/delta,16,'purdue(2t).wav'); pause(3);