ECE 661: Computer Vision

Other Course Material (from handouts and lecture)

Camera Calibration



Camera Matrix

$ P= \begin{bmatrix} \vec{p_1} & \vec{p_2} & \vec{p_3} & \vec{p_4} \end{bmatrix} $ where each of $ \vec{p_1} $ through $ \vec{p_3} $ is the image of the point at infinity along the $ \vec{x} $ through $ \vec{z} $ direction.

$ \vec{x}=K R \begin{bmatrix} I \Big| -\vec{\tilde{C}} \end{bmatrix} \vec{X} $

$ \vec{x}=M \begin{bmatrix} I \big| M^{-1} \vec{p_4} \end{bmatrix} \vec{X} $

General Projective Camera

Affine Camera

The last row of $ P $ is $ (0, 0, 0, 1) $

Orthographic Camera

Always positioned at infinity $ \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ \end{bmatrix} $

Stratified reconstruction hierarchy

See section 2.4: "A hierarchy of transformations" and section 3.4: "The hierarchy of transformations"

  1. projectivity
    • Straight lines go to straight lines
    • planar projectivity has 8 DOF
    • 3-space projectivity has 15 DOF (every element of the $ 4 \times 4 $ matrix except for the scale factor)
  2. affinity
    • parallel lines go to parallel lines
    • lines at infinity stay at infinity (Vegas?)
    • planar affinity has 6 DOF (4 for arbitrary upper-left matrix, 2 for translation)
    • 3-space affinity has 12 DOF (9 for arbitrary upper-left matrix, 3 for translation)
  3. similarity (metric reconstruction, aka equi-form)
    • preserves right angles
    • planar similarity has 4 DOF (an additional DOF over isometry to account for istotropic scaling)
    • 3-space similarity has 7 DOF (an additional DOF over isometry to account for istotropic scaling)
  4. isometry (euclidean reconstruction)
    • preserves euclidean distance
    • planar isometry has 3 DOF (1 for rotation and 2 for translation)
    • 3-space isometry has 6 DOF (6 for rotation and 3 for translation)


Dual conic

$ C^* = C^{-1} $

Polar lines

A point $ x $ and a conic $ C $ define a line $ \textbf{l} = C x $.

Epipolar geometry

  • $ F $ is rank 2 with 7 DOF
  • $ x^T F x' = 0 $
    • "Most fundamental relationship"
  • $ l' = F x $
  • $ l = F^T x' $
  • $ F e = 0 $
  • $ e' F = 0 $


What is the expression for the probability of getting at least one trial with no outliers given $ N $ trials?

  • Let $ \epsilon $ be the probability that a data element is an outlier
  • Let $ \omega = 1 - \epsilon $ be the probability that a data element is an inlier
  • Let $ s $ be the minium number of datum needed for constructing an estimate
    • Probability that all selected elements are inliers: $ \omega^s $
    • Probability that at least one element is an outlier: $ 1 - \omega^s $
  • Probability all $ N $ trials suffer from corrupted estimates: $ (1 - \omega^s)^N $
  • Probability that at least one trial has no outliers: $ \Phi = 1 - (1 - \omega^s)^N = 1 - \left (1 - (1 - \epsilon)^s \right )^N $
    • $ \epsilon $ depends on the data (usually chosen empirically), $ s $ depends on what entity is being estimated
    • We try to choose $ N $ such that $ \Phi \ge 0.99 $

Direct Linear Transform (DLT )

Levenberg Marquardt

Binary Images

Thresholding (Discriminant Analysis) - Otsu's algorithm

within-class variance 
$ \sigma_W^2 = \omega_0 \sigma_0^2 + \omega_1 \sigma_1^2 $
between-class variance 
$ \sigma_B^2 = \omega_0 (\mu_0 - \mu_T)^2 + \omega_1 (\mu_1 - \mu_T)^2 = \omega_0 \omega_1 (\mu_1 - \mu_0)^2 $
total variance 
$ \sigma_T^2=-\sum_{i=1}^L (i-\mu_T)^2 p_i $
  • We wish to maximize the ratio of $ \sigma_B^2 $ to $ \sigma_W^2 $.
  • A fast implementation uses aggregate results from the previous bin to calculate the next bin.

Corner detection

  • Why use corners as features to track across image sequences?
    • aperture problem

Geometric interpretation of eigenvectors of $ C $:

  • eigenvectors encode edge directions
  • eigenvalues encode edge strength
  • $ \lambda_1 = \lambda_2 = 0 $: uniform gray value, and $ C $ is a null matrix
  • $ \lambda_1 > 0 $ and $ \lambda_2 = 0 $: $ C $ is rank-deficient, we have an edge
  • $ \lambda_1 \ge \lambda_2 > 0 $, we have a corner.

Edge Finding

Roberts Operator

$ \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ -1 & 0 \\ \end{bmatrix} $

$ \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & -1 \\ \end{bmatrix} $

Canny Edge Detector

Optimality criterion

  • Good detection
    • minimize false positives (noise)
    • minimize false negatives (don't miss real edges)
  • Good localization
    • Detected edges should be as close as possible to true edges
  • Single response constraint
    • return only one point for each true edge point (use hysteresis)

Localization-detection tradeoff

  • Increasing filter size improves detection at the expense of localization

Chain codes / Crack codes

  • 2 bits (3 bits) encode direction for 4-connectedness (8-connectedness)
  • Crack codes fall on the "cracks" between pixels; pixels are not interpreted as part of the boundary

Hough Transform

Graph Cuts

Recall, "Rayleigh quotient": $ \frac{x^T \textbf{A} x}{x^T x} $

$ \frac{y^T (\textbf{D} - \textbf{W}) y}{y^T \textbf{D} y} $ The second-smallest eigenvector is used because $ y_i $ does not necessarily take on two discrete values.

Machine Learning/Class Discrimination


$ H(x)=-\sum_{i=1}^n p_i \log_2(p_i) $

Conditional Entropy

$ H(Y|X) = H(X,Y) - H(X) $

Fall 2006 Midterm


Given the identity $ l \cdot (l\times l') = 0 $ and the fact that $ x = l \times l' $, we know $ l^T x = 0 $.
Therefore $ x $ is on $ l $.

Similarly, $ l'\cdot(l' \times l) = l'^T x = 0 $. Thus $ x $ is also on $ l' $.

Since $ x $ lies on both lines it must be the point of intersection.


Given the two identities $ x(x \times x') = 0 $ and $ x'(x' \times x) = 0 $ and the point $ l = x \times x' = x' \times x $,

$ lx = lx' = 0 $

Thus l passes through both x and x' and is therefore the line joining the two points. Given $ x' = Hx, $


Start with $ l' = H^{-T}l: $
$ l'^T = l^T H^{-1} $ take the transpose of both sides
$ l'^Tx' = l^TH^{-1}x' $ post multiply both sides by x'
$ l'^Tx' = l^TH^{-1}Hx $ convert x'
$ l'^Tx' = l^Tx = 0 $
$ \therefore $ true

Note that the previous exam asks you to prove a false statement.

Given $ x = Hx' \implies x' = H^{-1}x $

$ l' = H^{-T}l: $
$ l'^T = l^T H^{-1} $
$ l'^Tx' = l^TH^{-1}x' $
$ l'^Tx' = l^TH^{-1}H^{-1}x $
$ l'^Tx' = 0 $
$ l^TH^{-1}H^{-1}x \neq 0 $
$ \therefore l'^Tx' \neq l^TH^{-1}H^{-1}x $
$ \therefore false $


Part (a)

$ L^* = PQ^\textrm{T} - QP^\textrm{T} $

$ \pi = L^*X $

$ \pi^\textrm{T} = (L^*X)^\textrm{T} = X^\textrm{T}L^{*T} $

$ \begin{align} \pi^\textrm{T} X & = X^\textrm{T}L^{*\textrm{T}}X \\ & = -X^\textrm{T}L^* X \\ & = -X^\textrm{T}(PQ^\textrm{T} - QP^\textrm{T})X \\ & = -X^\textrm{T}PQ^\textrm{T}X + X^\textrm{T}QP^\textrm{T}X \end{align} $

$ X $ lies on $ \pi $ therefore $ \pi^\textrm{T}X = 0 $ and $ X^\textrm{T}\pi = 0 $

We can assume $ P = \pi $ without loss of generality.

Therefore $ \pi^\textrm{T}X = 0 = -0Q^\textrm{T}X + X^\textrm{T}Q0 = 0 $

Therefore $ \pi = L^*X $

Part (b)

$ L = AB^\textrm{T} - BA^\textrm{T} $

$ X = L\pi $

$ X^\textrm{T} = (L\pi)^\textrm{T} = \pi^\textrm{T}L^\textrm{T} $

$ \begin{align} X^\textrm{T}\pi & = \pi^\textrm{T}L^\textrm{T}\pi \\ & = -\pi^\textrm{T}L\pi \\ & = -\pi^\textrm{T}(AB^\textrm{T} - BA^\textrm{T})\pi \\ & = -\pi^\textrm{T}AB^\textrm{T}\pi + \pi^\textrm{T}BA^\textrm{T}\pi \end{align} $

$ A $ and $ X $ lie on $ \pi $ therefore $ X^\textrm{T}\pi = 0 $ and $ \pi^\textrm{T}A = 0 $ and $ A^\textrm{T}\pi = 0 $

Therefore $ X^\textrm{T}\pi = 0 = -0B^\textrm{T}\pi + \pi^\textrm{T}B0 = 0 $

Therefore $ X = L\pi $


If the brightness values in the x and y directions are thought of as random variables then C is a scaled version of their covariance matrix.

The eigenvectors of a covariance matrix form an the orthogonal basis which yeilds the highest entropy along the axes.

C is a scaled version of the covariance matrix of the brightnesses in the x and y directions .


$ P= \begin{bmatrix} \vec{p^1}^T \\ \vec{p^2}^T \\ \vec{p^3}^T \\ \end{bmatrix} $

Each row $ p^i $ represents a plane.

$ \vec{p^i}^T \textbf{X} = 0 $ means that point $ \textbf{X} $ lies on plane $ p^i $. Thus $ \vec{p^3}^T \textbf{X} = 0 $ means that $ \textbf{X} $ lies on the principal plane, and lying on the planes $ p^1 $ or $ p^2 $ mean that the projected point $ x $ will lie on the $ \hat y $ or $ \hat x $ image axis, respectively.


A world point lying on the principal axis will project to an an image coordinate (0,0). Does this help? Consult p. 158-159

Fall 2006 Final


  • If $ \textbf{X} $ is on $ \pi $, then $ \textbf{X}^T \pi = 0 $.
  • If $ x $ is on $ \textbf{l} $, then $ x^T \textbf{l} = 0 $.

$ \begin{align} \textbf{X}^T \pi & = \textbf{X}^T \left ( \textbf{P}^T \textbf{l} \right ) \\ & = \left ( \textbf{P} \textbf{X} \right )^T \textbf{l} \\ & = x^T \textbf{l} \\ \end{align} $


Part (a)

Given camera matrix $ \vec{x}=K R \begin{bmatrix} I \big| {-\vec{\tilde{C}}} \end{bmatrix} \vec{X} $, a world point $ \textbf{X}_\infty = \begin{bmatrix} \textbf{d}^T & 0 \end{bmatrix}^T $, maps as...

$ \begin{align} x & = \textbf{P} \textbf{X}_\infty \\ & = K R \begin{bmatrix} I \big| {-\vec{\tilde{C}}} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} d_1 \\ d_2 \\ d_3 \\ 0 \end{bmatrix} \\ & = K R \textbf{d} \\ & = \textbf{H} \textbf{d} \end{align} $

Part (b)

Conics transform as $ C' = \textbf{H}^{-T} C \textbf{H}^{-1} $. Therefore, the IAC

$ \begin{align} \omega &= \textbf{H}^{-T} \Omega_\infty \textbf{H}^{-1} \\ &= \textbf{H}^{-T} \textbf{I} \textbf{H}^{-1} \\ &= \textbf{H}^{-T} \textbf{H}^{-1} \\ &= \left ( \textbf{K R} \right ) ^{-T} \left ( \textbf{K R} \right )^{-1} \\ &= \left ( \textbf{R}^T \textbf{K}^T \right )^{-1} \left ( \textbf{K R} \right )^{-1} \\ &= \textbf{K}^{-T} \textbf{R}^{-T} \textbf{R}^{-1} \textbf{K}^{-1} \\ &= \textbf{K}^{-T} \textbf{R} \textbf{R}^{-1} \textbf{K}^{-1} \\ &= \textbf{K}^{-T} \textbf{K}^{-1}\\ &= \left ( \textbf{K} \textbf{K}^{T} \right )^{-1} \end{align} $. I grok this.


This is the theoretical justification of Zhang's method for camera calibration.

Part (a)

Assume we have a homography $ \textbf{H} $ that maps points $ x_\pi $ on a probe plane $ \pi $ to points $ x $ on the image.

The circular points $ I, J = \begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ \pm j \\ 0 \end{bmatrix} $ lie on both our probe plane $ \pi $ and on the absolute conic $ \Omega_\infty $. Lying on $ \Omega_\infty $ of course means they are also projected onto the image of the absolute conic (IAC) $ \omega $, thus $ x_1^T \omega x_1= 0 $ and $ x_2^T \omega x_2= 0 $. The circular points project as

$ \begin{align} x_1 & = \textbf{H} I = \begin{bmatrix} h_1 & h_2 & h_3 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ j \\ 0 \end{bmatrix} = h_1 + j h_2 \\ x_2 & = \textbf{H} J = \begin{bmatrix} h_1 & h_2 & h_3 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ -j \\ 0 \end{bmatrix} = h_1 - j h_2 \end{align} $.

We can actually ignore $ x_2 $ while substituting our new expression for $ x_1 $ as follows:

$ \begin{align} x_1^T \omega x_1 &= \left ( h_1 + j h_2 \right )^T \omega \left ( h_1 + j h_2 \right ) \\ &= \left ( h_1^T + j h_2^T \right ) \omega \left ( h_1 + j h_2 \right ) \\ &= h_1^T \omega h_1 + j \left ( h_2^T \omega h_2 \right ) \\ &= 0 \end{align} $

which, when separating real and imaginary parts give us

$ \begin{align} h_1^T \omega h_1 &= 0 \\ h_2^T \omega h_2 &= 0 \end{align} $

Since conics are symmetric matrices, $ \omega = \omega^T $ and...

Part (b)


We prove the Projective Reconstruction Theorem.

Say that the correspondence $ x \leftrightarrow x' $ derives from the world point $ \textbf{X} $ under the camera matrices $ \left ( \textbf{P}, \textbf{P}' \right ) $ as

$ \begin{align} x & = \textbf{P} \textbf{X} \\ x' & = \textbf{P}' \textbf{X} \end{align} $.

Say we transform space by a general homography matrix $ \textbf{H}_{4 \times 4} $ such that $ \textbf{X}_0 = \textbf{H} \textbf{X} $.

The cameras then transform as

$ \begin{align} \textbf{P}_0 & = \textbf{P} \textbf{H}^{-1} \\ \textbf{P}_0' & = \textbf{P}' \textbf{H}^{-1} \end{align} $.

$ \textbf{P}_0 \textbf{X}_0 = \textbf{P} \textbf{H}^{-1} \textbf{H} \textbf{X} = \textbf{P} \textbf{X} = x $ and likewise with $ \textbf{P}_0' $ still get us the same image points.

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