Lab Wiki: ECE 438: Digital Signal Processing With Applications, Fall 2017

Meet your Instructors

Garrett McMindes Ikbeom Jang

Lab syllabus / Coding Rubric

MATLAB Help Reference Landis Huffman's Matlab Page

Lab report (don't forget the following):

- Cover page: lab#, names, signatures, participation[%], time spent outside the lab session

- Copy the questions in the INLAB REPORT for each section, then answer.

- If INLAB REPORT asks to hand in your Matlab code, include the codes in your report.

- Other requirements: Additional lab report requirement

Basic Folder Setup

  • Week 14: Thanksgiving Break
  • Week 16: Q & A Session (Dead week)

Students: Please list all lab comments on this page.

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Alumni Liaison

Basic linear algebra uncovers and clarifies very important geometry and algebra.

Dr. Paul Garrett