Fifth Bonus point opportunity

ECE302, Spring 2013, Prof. Boutin

In your own words:

a) Explain what is the stationary increment property of a random process.
b) Explain why sum processes have the stationary increment property.

Write your answer directly on this page.

If you do so before 11:59pm on Tuesday April 16, you will receive up to 0.5% bonus on your course grade.


Note that you will receive full credit if you do the exercise seriously, following all guidelines, even if your answer is not completely correct. Before you do this exercise, please familiarize yourself with Rhea's copyright policy. By default you can login to Rhea with your Purdue CAREER account. Note that the system keeps track of who writes what/when and this information is available for public view. If you would prefer to participate anonymously, please contact your instructor to obtain a new login name.

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Alumni Liaison

Ph.D. on Applied Mathematics in Aug 2007. Involved on applications of image super-resolution to electron microscopy

Francisco Blanco-Silva