
Let $ f $ be a continuous function on $ I = [-1, 1] $ with the property that $ \int_{I} x^n f(x) \ dx = 0 $ for $ n = 0, 1, ... $. Show that $ f $ is identically 0.


So, since $ |f| $ is integrable, we can use Weierstrauss' Approximation theorem as follows. Since $ \int_{I} x^n f(x) \ dx = 0 $ for any non-negative n, then for any polynomial P, $ \int_{I} P(x) f(x) \ dx = 0 $. By Weierstrauss' Approximation theorem, we know that we may approach f with polynomials, hence taking a sequence of polynomials $ P_n $ approaching f, then $ \int_{I} \lim_{n} P_n(x) f(x) dx \leq \lim\inf \int_{I} P_n(x) f(x) dx $ by Fatou's Lemma, hence $ \int_{I} (f(x))^2 dx \leq 0 $, hence $ f^2 $ is 0 almost everywhere, hence so too is f.

Written by Nicholas Stull

Alumni Liaison

Ph.D. 2007, working on developing cool imaging technologies for digital cameras, camera phones, and video surveillance cameras.

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